Building active and supportive communities

We wanted to get stronger but we found gyms too stuffy, bootcamps too shouty, and an online workout never really stuck.

We wanted to be part of a real community, not a virtual one.

We couldn’t see it, so we built it.

We believe in connection.  To feel connected to ourselves, to each other and to the natural world around us. 

We believe in community. That when we work together, we are greater than the sum of our parts.

We believe in building our strength and skills so that we are ready for anything. 

We don’t need expensive gear or the latest machines.

We focus on what matters most to us; building strength and mobility for life, creating a community who are there for each other, under an open sky.

We lift each other

We lift our eyes to the sky

We lift our spirits and some giant tractor tyres

Until we are lifted up and out of ourselves into something bigger than we could have ever imagined.....

We are


“I’ve never stuck to any form of exercise before and the idea of lifting heavy weights is not something that I ever would have tried.

It’s some kind of magic, being outside, laughing with friends in the driving rain.”

Kat, West Berkshre